
rock on

Whooooaaaa-ooooaaaa... we're halfway theeee-eere... that's right, ladies and gents (or whoever it is that reads this thing)... I am going to the Bon Jovi concert tomorrow night. I am a Jersey Girl through and through (mellowed with a heavy influence of a decade of California living), and there is nothing more Jersey than Jon Bon. Except for fake nails. And the Shore. And malls. And Bruce. But tomorrow, it is all about Jon. He's so dreamy. And he totally has nicer hair than I ever will. And have I mentioned that I love him?

TrailMomma (formerly known around these parts as RunnerGirl) and I have been waiting to rock out to Jon forEVER. At least, we have been waiting to rock out to Bon Jovi in person - we are very serious about our dedication at weddings (whilst my husband takes cover behind a plant in the corner and pretends he has never met me), perhaps requesting Livin on a Prayer from an unsuspecting DJ; and any other time their music fills the air (say, every time her phone rings). I am so excited! Yes, there are other girls going, too. And I love them, too, even if they aren't from Jersey. Nobody's perfect.

But I am also a little bit sad that tomorrow night, I will miss bedtime. When I get home and peek in on my LilDude, he'll probably look like this:

Suzi - this pic is for you... I know you just can't resist a sleeping baby for the perfect chance to snap the camera.


daily routine

After a wonderful 4 and a half months home with the Lil Dude, I am now back at work. The best part of the day is when I pick up his smiling face and take him home (with second place awarded to the moment before I drift off to sleep). After we get home, this is what we do:

We have wonderful trails in our neighborhood (one of the reasons we moved to our current house), and with the extended daylight hours, walks have become part of our new weekday evening routine. It was pretty easy to take the dog for a walk when I was home... mid-afternoon, perfectly timed to pass the elementary school so the dog can get lots of love and attention from the ogling kids - most of whom are shorter than my giant four legged puppy. But it has been difficult to make time for everyone (including me) with the new "working mom" lifestyle. I have been trying to get back into running jogging, and in the name of efficiency (walk the dog, get in run, nap for the kiddo), this is my running jogging group. I can only imagine what people think as they see us barrelling (at the speed of molasses) down the trail - what a sight! The dude doesn't (currently) mind riding in his personal limo - sometimes he naps, sometimes he laughs at the dog, sometimes he just babbles on and on. A good time is had by all.

**Crush: 13 months, 135+ lbs; Lil Dude: 5 months, 18+ lbs


5 months of fun

Lil Dude is five months old today. He has many skills for his resume: You need someone to roll over? You need someone to giggle hysterically when you make ridiculous faces? You need someone to nap at noon? He's your guy!

One of the jobs I hired him for is my grocery shopping partner. Don't call the child labor union, he is generously compensated for his work with milk whenever it strikes his fancy. He is so portable (see picture), and just smiles at everyone we pass. The lady at the deli counter loves him, and it is a good minute or two before I even place my order after she is done oohing and aahing over him. But how can I complain? She is smiling when she looks at him, he smiles at her, and I am beaming the whole time... win-win-win.

Since he can't walk, I carry him in the Baby Bjorn (aka, frontpack). I can tell when he is excited by a swift blow to my left lung, appendix, or muffin top - he looks like a little marionette driven by someone who just stuck their finger in an outlet, still pulsating from the stun. Since his wing span is still fairly small, and he has no idea what cookies are, he is a cheap date. I'll have to reevaluate him as my shopping partner once he starts asking for things, or dropping miscellaneous items into the cart.

*pic taken from my phone (in the frozen pizza aisle) on our Valentine's morning date - I'm still testing the best way to post pics here


now what?

What do I do now? Do I write random posts about things I notice each day that make me smile or cry or want to throw something? Do I go on and on about how wonderful the LilDude is? Do I start posting pictures (okay, I know you all want pictures) and daily activities... I'm trying to figure out how this blog fits into my life at this very moment... I sure do wish the Magic 8 Ball would come up with some new answers, 'cause the generic answers that worked in earlier years of my life just aren't cutting it these days. Answers in essay form would be most helpful right now.