

My arm is sore. From playing video games. Now that I am a responsible adult, I can do whatever I want. Which today, meant playing video games. So there! But, um, owwwwwww. Scout was icing his shoulder this morning (seriously, I could not make this stuff up if I tried) from his tough games yesterday. I was making fun of him, and now I am paying the price. Damn you, karma.


BAP said...

That Wii will get you every time. I remember when I stayed up 'til "wii" hours of the morning playing while all you other losers slept. My arm was killing me the next.

Anonymous said...

I picked up Tiger Woods golf.. and umm some 180 holes later i had to choose between Ice and "the clear and the cream". Besides, as serious Wii athlete, I felt it necissary to take the appropriate preventative measures to ensure that my body was ready to go on short notice if needed. it's a long Wii season and you never know when your Wii number will get called. ....or a big name sponsor shows up at your door to sign your next shoe deal.

marla said...

We just got our Wii... my tennis elbow/shoudler and my boxing arms are shakey and sore... I need to build my stamina!