
worn out

I was sitting in an all day meeting today at work (it was scintillating - thanks for asking), and while willing myself to stay awake, I began to notice things that would otherwise go unnoticed. Gazing at my keyboard with the same intensity as if I had never seen one before, I noticed a dull spot on the shiny keys. Thinking it might be a stain (perhaps a dried drop of soda from lunch - with extra caffeine - to help my eyes stay open), I tried to rub it, but it did not go away.

Apparently I only use my right thumb on the space bar. I have worn a tiny spot on the lacquer from my single sided spacing. Of course I have done all sorts of typing testing since I made this earth-shattering observation. My left thumb does no work at all when typing. It just sits there, waving around in midair - as if it wants to hitchhike to another activity as soon as a friendly passer-by will stop and pick it up.

So, I guess I will have to resign from my proud title of "ten finger typer" and reduce my status to "nine finger typer" - which is still better than the hunt and peck method some people employ (ahem, dad).


Suzanne said...

After a few rounds of "The quick fox jumped over something or another," I realized I'm a 9 finger typer, too. And now I am overly aware of my left thumb just awkwardly sticking up in the air....

My strange typing fact is that my right hand can type faster than the left, especially when I'm tired. So if I type Abigial, it is because the 'i' got in there too quickly.

Anonymous said...

How odd.. I on the other hand, hit the space bar with both thumbs usually the hand that the last key stoke was on.

I fully attribute it to my excesive conditioning where I use the mouse and keyboard at the same time. (some may call it gaming, but whatever.. why argue symantics)

- Joanne O. said...

OK, I had to test it out too. See what you started. :) I, too, am a 9 finger typer. I tried to use my left thumb, but kept screwing everything up. I'm now all too aware of my left thumb sticking up in mid air too.

Anonymous said...

Of course I had to check and yes I am a one thumber. Unlike your keyboard -- my keys are usually dull and I have a big shiny spot on the space bar where my thumb lands. I have an very slight shiny spot where the lazy left thumb rests as I think what I'm going to type next.